Babe Ruth and the Baseball Curse was the first book I had published. It was released back in 2009, and it was thrilling to have it published by Random House. However, it wasn’t the first book I wrote. The first book I wrote was an early draft of the Ballpark Mysteries book 1–The Fenway Foul-Up. However, Jennifer, my great editor at Random House, felt the mystery story needed work. But she really liked how I wrote the non-fiction section “About Fenway Park” in the back of the first Ballpark Mysteries book, so she asked me if I wanted to write a non-fiction book.
I didn’t have to think too long before replying to that email. “Yes! I’d love to write a non-fiction book,” I emailed.
The rest isn’t history–but it was my first book–Babe Ruth and the Baseball Curse, a story of Babe Ruth (who’s a great character–the kids LOVE it when I tell them sometimes he didn’t even change his underwear for a whole week!). The book came out in 2009, with great illustrations and a cover by Tim Jessell:
However, earlier this year Random House decided to reissue the book with updated material in the back and a new cover. Here’s what the updated book looks like:

I’m thrilled with the update, and love that I now have another chance to share the story of both Babe Ruth and the incredible 2004 Red Sox season.